I apologize for the long gap in the blogs. I underestimated how full our days are -- early morning wakeup, long bike rides, historic site visits, packing up bikes, etc. Now that I have gotten a little more accustomed to the schedule, I plan to play catch up. So, here goes . . .
Saturday, June 18 -- Gainseville, AL to Aliceville, AL
After we left Gainsville the group continued onward to a town called Aliceville, where we were scheduled to stay in a national guard armory. Unfortunately out guide never showed up to open the facility. But once again, our lucky streak continued as a local pastor, Rev. Charley Wilson, both opened up his home as well as his wallet as he provided us a place to sleep and bought us dinner from a local restaurant. His hospitality is greatly appreciated and I thank him for his support.

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